I’m not a fan of running at all. Even though I don’t find it enjoyable, it is a part of my exercise routine. When I’m not working out to music, I use the time to engage in “audio learning”. I know others use their daily commute to listen to podcasts or audio books but since my daily commute is only a few minutes, I sometimes use the 30 – 60 mins I have in the gym or on the treadmill to get my educational fill.
If I’m not running (or working out) to Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, et al, here’s my list of my favorite people I run with:
- TED talks – seriously good stuff. Short and sweet (10 – 20 mins ish) so it’s sometimes tricky to have to stop and pick another topic during a workout session. Download the app and watch the most viewed/all-time all-time favorites list to get you started.
- Tim Ferriss – I read his 4-Hour Workweek many years ago and have implemented some of his teachings into my business (outsourcing is the main one that comes to mind). I listen to his podcasts through Spotify. These are lengthy podcasts – 60 mins or more. Even though I sometimes find his interviewing style a little annoying (his questions are really looong), his list of topics and people he interviews is incredible.
- Mel Robbins – I saw her first in a TED talk and she’s continued her journey with a number of best sellers which are great. You can find many of her talks on YouTube (and her books on Amazon).
- John Assaraf – Yeah, I’m a bit of a Law of Attraction fan (you haven’t seen The Secret?!) and one of my favorite LOA teachers is John Assaraf. He has a number of YouTube videos in varying length so I tend to pick one based on how long I’m working out. As a side note, John and a business partner of his wrote one of my MOST favorite business books of all. It’s called the The Answer.
- Love, Sex and Relationships. Looking to expand your knowledge in the area of human relationships? My audio learning list includes Esther Pearl and Authentic Intimacy.
Let me know who you run (or workout with) as I’m always looking to expand my list.